Join us at our new clinic!

1440 Washington Blvd., Suite A5, Concord 94521


Social Skills

Social language therapy supports individuals who have social language challenges. These individuals may identify as neurodiverse with a formal diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, and/or ADHD to name a few, while others do not have a formal diagnosis.

We are excited to be a certified PEERS® certified provider. PEERS® is an evidence-based intervention program for people interested in learning new skills to make and keep friends.



Articulation therapy supports individuals who have difficulty pronouncing specific sounds and want to be better understood by a variety of listeners. It can help a child or adolescent who may have one or two sounds that are challenging but do not qualify for an IEP through their school, and can also help an adult who wants to improve their speech pronunciation. Sessions are generally structured with drill-based activities as well as weekly homework.



Fluency or stuttering therapy supports individuals who stutter. While speech therapy cannot “cure” stuttering, it can help those who want to be more fluent in their speech by combining stuttering modification and fluency shaping techniques.



Language therapy can be divided into two categories - receptive language therapy and expressive language therapy. Individuals who have a difficult time processing language that is verbally presented (e.g., directions, lectures, conversations, stories read aloud) may require receptive language speech therapy. Those who have challenges efficiently communicating verbally, whether it be finding the right words or narrating a story that others can easily understand may benefit from expressive language therapy.



We offer comprehensive speech and language evaluations to diagnose articulation disorders, receptive, expressive, and social language deficits, fluency disorders, and the need for an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) system.



Are you looking for tailored services customized for your unique needs? Please reach out to Sounds & Words Speech Therapy to find out what we can do for you.

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Reach out to learn more about what Sounds & Words Speech Therapy can offer.